Hi there
I am a professional programmer who has just hacked the Operating System of your device.
You were under my observation for a few months by now.
The thing is, your device has been infected with the virus via adult website that you have recently visited.
Let me explain everything in details in case, if you don’t really know much about this.
Trojan virus provides me with complete access and control over the device.
Likewise, I can see everything that is displayed on your screen, activate the camera and microphone without you knowing about it.
Besides that, I also have access to your entire contacts list available on social networks and your whole directory.
You may be wondering – why your antivirus didn’t manage to detect my malicious software?
- Well, my malicious software utilizes a driver, and its signature gets updated every 4 hours, hence your antivirus remains quiet.
I have prepared a video showing you satisfying yourself in the left part of the screen, while in the right part you can see the video that you were watching at that time.
One mouse click is enough for me to send this video to your entire contacts list from mail and social networks.
I can go further and also publish the access details to all e-mails and messengers used by you.
If you want to avoid this from happening then:
Arrange a transfer of 1300 (USD) to my bitcoin wallet (if you are not aware of steps to do it, you can refer to Google: "Buy bitcoin").
My bitcoin wallet (BTC Wallet): bc1qkl28a8q0y408zye9z9d4x9qhyhpmrah2l7uyah
Upon receiving the payment, I will immediately delete the video, and can assure that you will never hear from me again.
You have 50 hours (2 days +) to arrange the payment.
I will automatically receive a notificationonce this letter has been read, hence the timer will start from the moment you read this mail.
No need to try replying me, because it is pointless (the sender’s email address is automatically generated).
There is no point in trying to file a complaint either, since this writing cannot be separated, same as my bitcoin-address.
I never make any mistakes.
If I get to know that you have attempted to share this email with anybody else, your private video will be shared to public right away.
Best regards.